In the post-pandemic era, medical diagnostics is seeing growth, fuelled by innovative technologies and increased demand for precise services. And the industry is stepping up its game, focussing on delivering quality, cutting-edge technologies.

We’ve seen the implementation of precision diagnostics and personalised medication, and the future holds great promise, considering the rapid adoption of deep-tech in the healthcare community. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have transformed medical diagnostics — as they analyse radiology images and blood smears, pattern recognition and data interpretation, making diagnostics faster and precise without a radiologist or pathologist.

Companion diagnostics—which help identify the most effective treatment for a patient based on individual characteristics—is gaining momentum. And as we get more knowledge about individuals and their genetic makeup, evaluating the effectiveness of a new drug can be achieved solely using a computer model.

Another domain to watch out for is wearable diagnostics, especially those that provide continuous monitoring capabilities powered with AI algorithms. Besides heart rate, ECG and blood sugar levels, these wearables might be able to monitor other biomarkers in future that can predict and prevent catastrophic medical events, enabling people to take control of their health.

We witnessed the power of home testing during Covid-19 and as more data comes in, diseases such as cancers, heart diseases and other infections can be added to the list — allowing individuals to perform diagnostic tests at home, without professional or medical assistance. Furthermore, telemedicine and remote monitoring are enabling patients to receive diagnostic consultations and follow-ups from their homes, increasing convenience and reducing the burden on healthcare facilities.

Continuous health data-driven remote monitoring and care pathways are a lasting technological trend. However, for this to become commonplace and readily available, the technology involving potent sensors, miniature chips, high-capacity microprocessors and regulations governing human implants must evolve. The future of healthcare technology will integrate engineering, data science, biology and psychology.

Comprehensive remote monitoring has the potential to alter healthcare and could well be the steam engine moment for health-tech. The diagnostics sector stands on the brink of these transformative changes, driven by technology and evolving healthcare landscapes. The industry’s adeptness in harnessing these developments will be crucial in advancing healthcare outcomes and meeting the ever-evolving needs of patients and healthcare professionals.

(The writer is Director - Medical Affairs, Mylab Discovery Solutions. Views are personal.)