Menstrual leave policy has become a major topic of discussion these days. Many claim it is a game changer to bring inclusivity to workplaces, but some others argue that it is a policy that can create more discrimination while hiring women. Chai Sutta Bar is an organisation that has provided 12 paid leaves to its female employees as a part of their menstrual leave policy. In this podcast, businessline’s Anjana PV talks to Anubhav Dubey, co-founder of Chai Sutta Bar, about the importance of providing menstrual leaves and if corporate India is equipped for the same. 

In this podcast, Anubhav emphasises that this policy is not a recent ploy for attention but has been in practice for three months with remarkable results. The decision arose from an open debate within the company after a team member expressed the need for a menstrual leave policy. The core principle is simple: any woman experiencing menstrual pain or discomfort can opt for paid leave. Despite initial concerns about potential misuse, only a single female employee has availed of this benefit in the past three months, showcasing the effectiveness of the policy.

The podcast also explores societal perceptions and challenges surrounding women’s willingness to take such leaves and how this inclusive policy has led to an increase in job applications from women. Anubhav agrees in the podcast that he has received more job applications from women after implementing this policy.

The conversation broadens to discuss the overall need for inclusive workplace policies, transcending menstrual leave, and how Chai Sutta Bar fosters a culture of creativity, accountability, and equality. Anubhav challenges conventional thinking by advocating for equal consideration of men in matters such as paternity leave, emphasising a holistic approach to employee well-being. He also shares insights on the positive reception of Chai Sutta Bar’s initiatives, signaling a potential shift towards more inclusive corporate cultures in India. 

Listen to the podcast now.